The stem cell of the Lotus plant gives vitality to the skin by forming a protective barrier. When used in conjunction with other products, it improves the results. Hydrolyzed collagen relaxes tired, dull skin and aloe vera leaf extract moisturizes and brightens the skin. HOP Pilleo Stem-Cell Mist contains poly-lactic acid (PLLA) which acts directly on collagen production. Collagen performs much the same function as steel wires through a concrete wall, it is essential for skin firmness. PLLA, also known as a biostimulator, liquid dressing or dissolving sutures, is a safe ingredient that has been used in surgery for decades due to its ability to stimulate collagen that promotes healthy skin. HOP Pilleo Stem-Cell Mist is the next best thing to a HOP facial. Estheticians use this mist to make the effects of the treatment last longer and to stimulate the ingredients in the mask.
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